Juggling Life: Finding Balance as a Busy Mom

As a mom, the daily juggle of kids, sleep, work and activities can feel overwhelming. Finding balance as a busy mom is tough. I’m right there with you, navigating the chaos while trying to maintain a semblance of balance. I specialize in helping families with toddlers and those in shift work, and I know firsthand how tough it can be to manage it all. I specialize in shift work families, because we are a shift work family.  With a spouse who is away regularly for work, finding my rhythm is essential.  Here are some tips to help you find your rhythm.

Five Tips for Organizing Your Day

1. Establish a Consistent Routine: Routines help create a sense of stability for both you and your kids. Set regular times for meals, bedtime, and activities. This predictability makes the day feel less chaotic and helps everyone know what to expect.
2. Prioritize Sleep and Nutrition: It’s easy to sacrifice sleep when juggling responsibilities, but it’s crucial. Try to establish a bedtime routine that allows for quality rest.  Eating healthy can go a long way as well!  I say this as I drink my 4th cup of tea 😂.  All joking aside though, sleep is super important to me.  You know that feeling when you wake up and feel groggy from lack of sleep…it leads to impatience, anger, and lack of motivation for the day.   So make sure you and your children are getting the sleep you need.
3. Set Realistic Goals: Each day, focus on a few key tasks you want to accomplish. Avoid overwhelming yourself with an endless to-do list. Celebrate small wins; every step forward counts!  I don’t know about you, but I love the feeling of checking things off my list!!
4. Involve Your Kids: Encourage your children to take part in daily activities. Whether it’s tidying up or preparing meals, involving them not only lightens your load but also teaches them valuable life skills.
5. Be Flexible: Life with kids is unpredictable. Embrace the chaos and be willing to adjust your plans as needed. Flexibility is key in maintaining your sanity!  This is a spot where I need to listen to my own advice a bit more!

Coping When Things Get Tough

Despite my best efforts, there are days when I feel like I’m barely keeping my head above water. Finding that balance as a busy mom is hard, and  it’s important to acknowledge these feelings and seek support when needed. Whether it’s connecting with fellow moms, reaching out for professional help, or simply taking a break, remember you’re not alone in this journey.  I love being busy, but I can also feel when my body and mind are telling me to slow down a bit.  Taking that cue is the hard part, but key for us as parents, so that we do not burn out.

Why I Stay Involved

Staying engaged in various activities, from professional commitments to my kids’ events, often feels like walking a tightrope. Sometimes, I stumble, and that’s okay. I believe that being involved enriches our lives and sets a strong example for our children about the value of commitment and passion. But I also recognize the importance of self-care and knowing when to step back.

Being a mom is a beautiful, chaotic experience filled with ups and downs. By implementing routines, prioritizing sleep, and embracing flexibility, you can find a balance that works for your family. As a dual-certified child sleep expert specializing in toddler care and shift work families, I’m here to help you navigate this journey. For more tips and resources, join me at www.sayyestotherest.com.  I have a free resource page, more sleep blog articles and more.  Struggling with sleep for your child, let’s talk about support options. It takes a village.

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